v0.26 - Aesthetic changes + Backend work

April 12, 2021

Infra App has been updated to v0.26. This update includes minor changes to the aesthetics to be easier on your eyes and includes many backend changes for future updates as we continue to address cluster connectivity problems and ensure that we're adding the resources/data you want to see.

This week, we've documented some of the basic on-boarding material on our docs page. Please keep your feedback coming on your needs.

For all the new users who we haven't had a Zoom call with yet, attached is an overview ofInfra App to help you get started.

  1. The Cluster Switcher. The cluster switcher is where you can switch between your configured Kubernetes Clusters. By default Infra App detects your local Kubernetes Configuration file (Kubeconfig) and can be extended by adding your own configuration file by selecting Add Configuration in the dropdown or via the hotkey ⌘+O.
  2. The Workloads Tab. The workloads tab will list all the workloads for the selected Kubernetes cluster.
  3. The Namespaces Filter. The Namespaces filter on the left-hand side helps you filter quickly by the namespaces you have access to. All the workloads on the selected namespace will be shown on the right.
  4. The Workloads Search Bar. In the search bar you will be able to search for particular workloads by its name. In the future the search feature will be expanded to use other metadata.
  5. System Workloads Button. By selecting the System workloads button, all the workloads that belong to kube-system will be included in the workloads page.
  6. Workloads Overview. In the main Workloads view, you will see a list of all your workloads along with information on its utilization (CPU and memory usage) and its status. At any point in time, you can click on a particular workload to see its details including streaming logs, events and its YAML file. If you do not see utilization metrics it means that Infra App cannot connect to metrics-server on the cluster to gather the data.

  1. Workload Status. Workload status shows the current status of the workload as reported by Kubernetes.
  2. Activity Tabs. You can use the activity tabs to switch between Overview, Logs, Events, and YAML for the particular workload.

Logs tab. Infra App will automatically aggregate all the logs for this workload from different pods and containers in real-time. By default the log streamer will auto-refresh when the scroll bar is scrolled to the bottom. The log stream will stop auto-scrolling when you move the scroll bar away from the bottom.

Events tab. In the events tab, Infra App automatically fetches all the related events pertaining to this workload -- such as volumes, endpoints, controllers, and more.

YAML tab. YAML tab will show you the YAML file used to set-up the workload.

  1. Main Configuration. In the main configuration detail, you will find the kind of the workload, the namespace it's associated with, its creation date, the labels attached to the workload, and the image(s) the workload is currently using.
  2. Utilization. For CPU / Memory utilization, Infra App automatically detects whether you have metrics-server installed by looking at the Kubernetes metrics endpoint.
  3. Pods. In the pods section, you will be able to see a list of all related pods and its current status.
  4. Pod Actions. In the actions dropdown via the "..." button, you will be able to perform actions on individual pods such as open shell to a particular container, view logs from a pod, and ability to delete a pod.
  5. Services. In the services section, you will be able to see the type of the service(s) and its endpoints. Infra App makes the endpoints hyperlinked so you can click on it to see the result in a web browser if supported.
  6. ConfigMaps. For workloads with a configmap, you'll be able to view it direction in this section.

v0.25 - Linux version, RBAC support, and cluster refresh fixes

April 12, 2021

This week (v0.25) we are rolling out many quality-of-life fixes in the app many of you wrote to us about -- fixes for stagnant data, cluster switching errors, and unable to work with clusters configured with RBAC.

1. Ubuntu Linux support now available

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in having a Linux version available to use either on your other workstation or for sharing with your teammates who are only on Linux, we've now made it available. The direct download is available at https://infra.app/download

2. RBAC support

We've made changes to Infra.app to support RBAC configured on many of your clusters. Infra.app will now require fewer permissions to access your clusters.

  • For users with only access to one namespace, Infra.app will scope everything to that and show you the resources in that namespace
  • For users with access to multiple namespaces and/or have permissions modified, Infra.app will scope everything to the namespace defined in your Kubeconfig file or the default namespace if nothing is configured. Improved support for this use case will come in the future.

3. Fixes for stagnant data and connectivity issues when switching clusters

Many of you have pinged us regarding data stream not being live. We've looked into this and made many improvements in this area. Your data should be live-streaming and we will work to make that experience good. In the case of network disconnects, waking up from sleep, etc, Infra.app will now detect connectivity to the cluster and make the necessary back-off to try reconnecting when your network or cluster is back.

Thank you for the amazing feedback and share. We really appreciate it. If you want to download or share Infra.app, it's now available for direct download on our site. https://infra.app

v0.24 - Kubernetes Connectivity Fixes

April 12, 2021

As part of this week's updates (v0.24), we've worked on some quality improvements on Infra.app.

1. Cluster connectivity improvements

Many of you wrote to us regarding connectivity problems, especially for Kubernetes clusters hosted on EKS. We've now fixed most of them.

Thank you to so many of you for jumping on Zoom calls with us to troubleshoot this live. It's awesome that we can now bring the bug fixes to many more people.

We are aware there are still connectivity problems for clusters set up with RBAC. This is very important to us, and we are working on an update for that. If you are still running into cluster connectivity problems not due to RBAC, please let us know so we can address it quickly.

2. Events page now shows events from related resources correctly

On the events page, we will now show events from related resources. This will help as you troubleshoot a specific workload and want to check if related resources are potentially causing the issue or impacted by this as well.  

3. Fixes for log search

We've many search improvements. One of the bugs reported regarding search not highlighting in some cases is fixed.

v0.23 - CronJobs, Jobs, Pods & More

April 12, 2021

This week, we're excited to bring you updates many of you have been asking for, and it's one of our biggest updates yet (v0.23).

1. Support for cronjobs, jobs and individual pods.

These resources are now listed on the main workload page with their own details page.

2. Automatic detection of your environment (your paths and shell) for improved connectivity to your Kubernetes cluster

In this update, we've changed the underlying code to ensure a successful connection to your Kubernetes cluster. If kubectl works, Infra.app will work, and vice versa. If you run into any issues after this update, please reach out, and we will make sure to work with you to address any defect.

3. Container level logs filtering

You can now filter containers/sidecars by clicking the container name in the logs view.

4. Other bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where filtering logs would clear search query
  • Fixed sorting behaviour for a number of pods
  • Fixed an issue where changing context via CLI to the same current context would change the page the user is on in Infra.app

Again, thank you to many of you for being so active with your feedback and feature requests. We've read through them all and are considering how we can best address them without increasing the learning curve for Infra.app.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions, feature requests or run into any problems.

If you prefer to manually download the update, it's available here.

v0.22 - Performance and Reliability improvements

April 12, 2021

We're back with our weekly updates (v0.22) after a big bug squash session.

The major theme for this week is performance and reliability. The data within Infra.app should update in real-time, and we saw from some of your reports / live troubleshooting sessions that there was a problem with stale data. This should now be fixed along with many of the requested bug fixes (changelog below).

Thank you to everyone who's sent in bug reports, feature requests and information on your setup. It's super helpful to us as we build out Infra. Some of the features suggested by you are already in the works -- many will take some time as we go through a couple of iterations on the design.  

We're super excited about what's to come! If you prefer to manually download the update, it's available at https://infra.app/download

Improvements/Bug Fixes:

  • Some users have experienced stale data. We've changed how Infra.app performs data refreshes, especially when the computer sleeps/resumes from sleep
  • If the connection to a Kubernetes cluster is lost, Infra.app will try to automatically reconnect without spamming the cluster
  • Fetching Workloads now will use less data - and speed is improved
  • Fixed issue where metrics would temporarily show 0.00 for all workloads when switching clusters
  • Fixed issue where configmaps would not appear in Workload Overview page
  • Fixed sidebar namespaces flickering when changing clusters
  • "Show System Workloads" will be on by default if there are no other workloads
  • Infra.app will now only fetch the logs since last seen up to 50k lines (older logs are cached)
  • Fixed an issue where logs will stop streaming when pods are added / removed from Workload
  • Fixed an issue where logs stream will delay when pods are restarted
  • Fixed issue where connectivity errors not linked to the workload would show up as lines in workload logs

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