v0.31 - Cluster / Node View + Other Improvements

April 12, 2021

Today, we are releasing Infra App v0.31. This is a big feature release for us - including a new cluster view that shows cluster utilization and all its related nodes. This will allow you to quickly find information about a cluster and drill down all the way to a particular pod running on a specific node to troubleshoot issues.

From the node view, you'll be able to find utilization with requests/limits you've set, IP addresses, labels, annotations and pods running scheduled for the particular node.  Here you'll also be able to sort pods by CPU / Memory usage, requests or limits similar to the cluster page for individual nodes.

In the pods view, you can view individual pods by clicking on a pod in the pod table, and directly access the related node if needed. From here, you'll also be able to view individual containers, their status and utilization all in one place.

Thank you for giving us feedback during early access. Please reach out or reply to this email if you have more feature requests or bug reports. I'm so excited and can't wait until we get to 1.0!

Some other improvements in this release:

  • Pod shell will remain open while navigating the app unless the current cluster is changed
  • Tables with clickable rows will now highlight to show that they're clickable
  • Clickable areas in the app will now show a pointer cursor
  • Infra App will now use the full width for the application to display information
  • Pod table can now be sorted
  • Fixed an issue where long port names would overlap with other text in the Services table
  • Tweaked utilization/status colors

Please note: Linux version does not auto-update yet. Please download the updated binary from https://infra.app/download

v0.30 - Ingress Support + Services Update

April 12, 2021

Wow, we've hit v0.30 this week! Thank you to so many of you who continue to give feedback and jump on Zoom calls with us to tell us your specific use cases.

For v0.30, the big changes are Ingress support and updates to how we display services inside the workload page.

There are also many bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixed an issue where services would not load in RBAC-limited environments
  • Fixed an issue where select all (cmd+a or ctrl+a) would highlight extra data on the YAML viewer tab
  • Fixed an issue where Infra App did not add /usr/local/bin/ to the path
  • Fixed some unintended aesthetic issues

Please note: Linux version does not auto-update yet.

v0.29 - General fixes and improvements

April 12, 2021

In our v0.29 update, we wanted to address a lot of the issues reported by our users. Here is a list of the changes as we continue to build in more features.


  • Kubeconfigs with absolute certificate paths will no longer lead to an error
  • Improved performance when viewing clusters with (50+) workloads or pods
  • Infra App no longer prevents sleeping on MacOS
  • Infra App will now correctly show itself in the foreground when starting for the first time or when an auto-update is ready
  • Fixed a bug where hiding the window on MacOS didn't work after quitting the app to background mode and restoring it
  • Fixed a bug where quitting the app while in fullscreen would cause issues in the title bar when restoring

Thank you for your amazing feedback and for sharing Infra App with your teammates and friends. We really appreciate it. If you want to download or share Infra App, it's now available for direct download on our site. https://infra.app/download

Please note: Linux version does not have auto-update yet.

v0.28 - Menu bar app + Utilization improvements

April 12, 2021

For Infra App v0.28, we are launching a whole new menu bar app along with changes in how we calculate CPU / Memory utilization requests/limits. This menu bar app will provide the foundation for some of the features we've been working on, and I want to share some of that with you today.

Menu bar app - Notifications / Cluster statuses coming in the future

Many of you have told us when using Infra App that you're looking for instant insights into what is happening inside your Kubernetes cluster - statuses, events, logs and other data to ultimately answer some fundamental questions. Is my app up? How do I find the golden metrics (latency, traffic, errors, saturation of services) quickly? Can I get notified about potential issues?

Infra App being a desktop app can start providing quick notifications on the apps or services that you care about. Below are screenshots of what we've been working on. In this example, my WordPress app had a pod that went down, and Infra App automatically notified me. And clicking on the notification will take me directly to the Workload page for me to start troubleshooting.  

For multi-clusters or clusters with many errors, Infra App can start showing warning icons for you to check.

We want your feedback on this as we iterate on this experience before releasing it. Please contact us at contact@infra.app to give us your thoughts or use the feedback button directly from the app.

Other changes in v0.28:

  • We've changed how we calculate utilization - Infra App will no longer include init container limits or requests for CPU / Memory utilization
  • Fixed a bug where app would go blank when clicking on a workload
  • Fixed a bug where CPU / Memory utilization shows 0% when viewing workloads in a cluster with limited access (for RBAC-enabled clusters)
  • Fixed a bug where CronJob and Jobs would not stay up to date when viewing workloads in a cluster with RBAC enabled
  • When adding a new clusters via "Add Configuration", Infra App will now allow users to add non-yaml KubeConfig files

v0.27 - Pod age + default bash shell

April 12, 2021

Infra App has been updated to v0.27. For this release, we want to quickly release what many of you have requested: show the age of pods, use 'bash' as the default shell if the container has bash, and many other bug fixes.

Within the workload details, you will now find pods with their creation time listed under the 'Age' column.

For the terminal within Infra App, we've also made 'bash' the default shell if it's available in the container. If not, Infra App will still use bourne shell (sh).

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