v0.31 - Cluster / Node View + Other Improvements

April 12, 2021

Today, we are releasing Infra App v0.31. This is a big feature release for us - including a new cluster view that shows cluster utilization and all its related nodes. This will allow you to quickly find information about a cluster and drill down all the way to a particular pod running on a specific node to troubleshoot issues.

From the node view, you'll be able to find utilization with requests/limits you've set, IP addresses, labels, annotations and pods running scheduled for the particular node.  Here you'll also be able to sort pods by CPU / Memory usage, requests or limits similar to the cluster page for individual nodes.

In the pods view, you can view individual pods by clicking on a pod in the pod table, and directly access the related node if needed. From here, you'll also be able to view individual containers, their status and utilization all in one place.

Thank you for giving us feedback during early access. Please reach out or reply to this email if you have more feature requests or bug reports. I'm so excited and can't wait until we get to 1.0!

Some other improvements in this release:

  • Pod shell will remain open while navigating the app unless the current cluster is changed
  • Tables with clickable rows will now highlight to show that they're clickable
  • Clickable areas in the app will now show a pointer cursor
  • Infra App will now use the full width for the application to display information
  • Pod table can now be sorted
  • Fixed an issue where long port names would overlap with other text in the Services table
  • Tweaked utilization/status colors

Please note: Linux version does not auto-update yet. Please download the updated binary from https://infra.app/download

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