v0.43 - Stale data fixes

April 12, 2021

A big thank you to so many of you who sent in feedback from last week's All Resources release.

This week, we are prioritizing on the issues many of you have seen inside Infra App and other Kubernetes clients -- stagnant data refreshes, especially from clusters running on Azure.

On Microsoft Azure, there is a specific issue - https://github.com/Azure/AKS/issues/1755. We've made changes to Infra App to address this problem on our end. The improvements will also mean improved connectivity with other cloud providers.

If you still notice any issues, please let us know. We want to make sure you're getting a great experience from us and your cloud provider.

The changes in 0.43 release:


  • Improved loading speed when switching clusters
  • Improved experience when switching clusters by displaying "Connecting..." until all new data is fetched
  • Newer versions of HorizontalPodAutoscalers (v2beta2 and v2beta1) will now be displayed by Infra App
  • Clicking outside of the Send Feedback dialog will no longer close it

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed stale data issue that occurs when using Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Fixed issue where cluster status indicator would flash "Fetching latest data..."
  • Fixed bug where Utilization hotkey would still work while in a restricted RBAC mode
  • Fix node roles showing twice if different label formats are used
  • Fixed issue where events wouldn't update when losing & regaining cluster connectivity
  • Fixed issue where an error would show for a short period of time when loading a cluster with limited RBAC permissions

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